MangoSQL has integration for common Go loggers, this make working with SQL queries easier.
This logging feature is opt-in and comes with:
- Every Query will emit a Debug log
- With the function name
- With duration measurements
- With SQL Query and arguments
- warning for slow queries, when a query takes more than >500ms
- Every SQL error will be automatically logged as error
During development, we recommend to set the log level to DebugLevel
to see the SQL queries generated and how long they take.
Url: https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus
Add --logger logrus
to the cli command
mangosql --logger logrus ./schema.sql
And provide the logger to MangoSQL Client at initialization.
package database
import (
// ...
// create your own logger instance
logger := logrus.New()
// instantiate DBClient
return New(db, logger)
Url: https://github.com/uber-go/zap
Add --logger zap
to the cli command
mangosql --logger zap ./schema.sql
And provide the logger to MangoSQL Client at initialization.
package database
import (
// ...
// create your own logger instance
logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()
// instantiate DBClient
return New(db, logger)
Url: https://github.com/rs/zerolog
Add --logger zerolog
to the cli command
mangosql --logger zerolog ./schema.sql
And provide the logger to MangoSQL Client at initialization.
package database
import (
// ...
// create your own logger instance
logger := zerolog.New(os.Stderr).With().Timestamp().Logger()
// instantiate DBClient
return New(db, logger)
Testing / Console
This logger option is a bit special, this is a console writer intended for development and testing only. It's literally just calling log.Println()
, has colors and is zero configuration.
Add --logger console
to the cli command and you have nothing else to modify in your code.
mangosql --logger console ./schema.sql
The output will looks like this
2024/08/20 04:32:46 [DEBUG] DB.User.FindMany 308.236µs
| Args: [[1]]
| SQL: SELECT id, name, created_at, deleted_at FROM users WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0